Who are we?
Imtiaz Alalamiya Oil Service Company is a Libyan company headquartered in Zintan and is a leading company in many fields, including oil services, construction and maintenance, heavy transportation and other fields, which will be referred to later
Solutions development and implementation to create a better life
The Company has experts in all engineering topics
We pride ourselves on teamwork, and we make constant efforts to improve ourselves
We are keen on credibility, seriousness and honesty in our work and responsibilities to the community. This credibility gives us the opportunity to make contributions to building a better future

Our company is among the leading and competitive companies and is fully convinced that hard work and commitment to public safety first and international specifications and standards in important and large projects, time management, benefiting from the experiences and expertise of competent people and joint cooperation is the means and the gateway that leads us to success.

Within the framework of cooperation that aims to exploit the material and human potentials Imtiaz Alalamiye Oil Services Company concluded an agreement with the Foreign Center for Studies and